WineBev Services
Creating Employment Opportunities for Adults with Developmental Disabilities in Napa Valley.
WineBev Services, located in Napa, provides wine industry employment opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities. Services include wine repacking and hand assembly projects. Paid work, adult education, employment training, and recreation activities are provided both on-site and in the community. WineBev Services also contracts with a variety of wine industry and other local businesses to provide work crews and supervisors during program hours.
Program Goals
WineBev Services provides pathways to future competitive employment for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities through real work experience, skill development, job exploration, and community involvement. Participants develop the skills necessary for full participation in work and community life. Anticipated outcomes include:
Development of work experience through participation in paid work.
Development of employment skills including social and communication skills.
Understanding of job opportunities, expectations, and requirements.
Development of healthy habits for workplace wellness.
Demonstration of self-advocacy in a variety of settings.
Program Activities
Participants perform a variety of on-site jobs and community-based work at local businesses including re-packaging wine, assembling wine shipping kits, and labeling bottles. Recreation activities and vocational education classes are conducted on-site and in the community that provide job exploration and the enjoyment of local parks and activities available to the public.
On-Site Activities
Assembly Line Packaging
Wine Shipping and Labeling
Adult Education Classes
Daily Exercise and Table Games
Special Events and Seasonal Activities
Community-Based Activities
Paid Work at Local Businesses
Tours of Local Businesses
Career Center Trainings and Job Fairs
Volunteer Training at Nonprofit Agencies
Regional Parks and Recreation Area Trips
Our Facilities
WineBev Services is located at our agency owned warehouse, classroom, and office space in beautiful Napa Valley. The facility is a fully accessible licensed Adult Day Program #286803252 with two kitchens, multiple bathrooms, and two large meeting rooms for group activities and special events. Transportation is provided to and from WineBev Services in the morning and afternoon and for community-based activities during the day with passenger vans located on-site.

“The program gives her a sense of belonging and accomplishment. She has made many friendships with both clients and staff. WineBev provides a valuable service to a disadvantaged group of citizens that would be swept under the proverbial rug if not for this opportunity to participate in the American experience, that being work, socializing and commerce.”
— Mr. Camper
Learn more about this family’s experience with our WineBev Services program.

For More Information or a Tour
500 Technology Way
Napa, CA 94558
Contact Us:
(707) 603-0010
Program and Enrollment Information:
Briana Terrell-Bachelor
Program Manager
(707) 603-0010, Ext. 6
Jen Whalen
Director of Community Programs
(707) 603-0010, Ext. 7